Upcoming Events
CTCNM meetings:
Next Meeting:
Spring 2020
Date: February 2, 2020
Time: 2 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Location: AABC - North Austin
Address: 4100 Duval Rd, Austin, TX 78759 - Building 4, Suite 207
Notes: Contact Joan Doglio-Smith @ 512-968-0749 for info. Pharmacology CEU offering at no cost to ACNM/CTCNM dues paying members. Cost for CEU is $25 for non-dues paying CNMs.
Call-in information: click here
& Legislative Day
Please register ASAP via link to allow us to scheduled visits with your legislator: register here
Registration includes breakfast & Legislative Day materials
All CNMs/SNMs welcome! $50 for CNMs $25 for SNMs Robert E Johnson/REJ Conference Center.
1501 Congress Avenue, Austin, TX 78701. The link (below) contains some additional information, including the map. The conference center is adjacent from REJ office building so map will be helpful particularly when parking in state parking garage off San Jacinto Blvd. https://roomsched.tlc.texas.gov/
More events
ACNM Annual Meeting 2020
Date: May 29th - June 2nd, 2020
Location: Austin, Tx
Registration: registration info to come
More Info: